1.0 Incident Response
Anyone who suspects that a data or account compromise may have occurred or has identified a situation that could potentially lead to a data compromise, is responsible for reporting it. The following reporting structure should be followed with progression down the list if the reporting entity is not responding adequately to the situation:
- ICDS Security via Client Support ticket – icds@psu.edu
- ICDS Administrative Staff – security@icds.psu.edu
- Penn State Office of Information Security (OIS) – security@psu.edu
When a user is made aware of a potential compromise, the user shall immediately cease any interaction with the impacted system and report to the entities above. Any further interactions with the system could compromise the user and the forensic integrity of the system. ICDS will follow mitigation instructions as provided by OIS.
ICDS will immediately report the incident to the Office of Information Security (OIS) and follow their directions to assess and mitigate the incident. The OIS incident response policy and contact information for the incident response hotline is linked at the bottom of this page. After resolution of the incident, ICDS will take any necessary measures to mitigate future risk.
2.0 Enforcement
Any employee, student, or visitor found to have violated this policy may be subject to disciplinary action by their administrative unit, the College, or the University.
3.0 Supporting Documents
ICDS-P030: Authentication and Access Control