Quick Start Guide for the ICDS Dibbs Openshift Test Cluster

These basic instructions are provided for users of ICDS’s Dibbs Openshift test cluster.  Because this guide and the Dibbs resource is only available to a small number of users, the i-ASK helpdesk has not been trained on its use. All technical questions should be directed to Adam Focht, ICDS Systems Engineer.


Initial Login

  1. Open your browser to https://console-openshift-console.apps.dibbs-okd.cloud.icds.psu.edu/
  2. Under Log in with, choose cilogon.
  3. If prompted, enter your CILogon credentials.
  4. A window titled Welcome to the Developer Perspective should appear. Click Get started to begin a brief tour of the interface.
  5. Click Next to advance through though each step of the product tour.
  6. Click Okay, got it! to close the tour and begin your session.
  7. Click on your project,  dibbs-user-<username>.


  • Only one application can be deployed at a time due to the persistent storage resource.
  • Only the home directory is persistent – any work outside of the default home directory will be lost when the container workflow is completed.

Jupyterlab, Rstudio, or Scientific Desktop Deployment

  1. Click the +Add tab in the left navigation bar.
  2. In Developer Catalog, click Helm Chart.
  3. Click Dibbs Jupyterlab, Dibbs Rstudio Server, or Dibbs Scientific Desktop as desired. The instructions that follow will be the same for each.
  4. Review the supplied README information.
  5. Click Install Helm Chart.
  6. All defaults default setting should be appropriate. However, for Jupyterlab only, you may do the following:
    – Click Image to expand this section.
    – You may change Image Name to any available and appropriate image listed in the Jupyter Docker Hub repository (https://hub.docker.com/u/jupyter).
    – You may change Image Tag to any available tag for the chosen image listed on the image tags page (i.e. https://hub.docker.com/r/jupyter/datascience-notebook/tags for the datascience-notebook image).
  7. Click Install. You will be redirected to the Topology tab.
  8. Click the Helm tab in the navigation bar on the left.
  9. Click the helm release; dibbs-jupyterlab, dibbs-rstudio, or dibbs-scientific-desktop, depending the app you have deployed.
  10. Click the Release notes tab of the Helm Release details page.
  11. To access the instance you’ve created, click the link or  copy and paste the URL into your browser.

Ice Sheet Deployment

  1. Click the +Add tab in the left navigation bar.
  2. In Developer Catalog, click Helm Chart.
  3. Click Dibbs Icesheet.
  4. Review the supplied README information.
  5. Click Install Helm Chart. All defaults should be appropriate.
  6. Click Install. You will be redirected to the Topology tab.
  7. Click the Helm tab in the navigation bar on the left
  8. Click dibbs-icesheet.
  9. Click the Resources tab of the Helm Release details page.
  10. Click dibbs-icesheet-deployment.
  11. Click the Pods tab.
  12. Click the running pod (dibbs-icesheet-deployment-XXX)
  13. Click the Terminal tab.

Note: It is good practice to use tmux or screen to avoid interruptions in access and workflow. An example workflow:

$ cd /DATA/code/Make
$ cp make_eg_user Makefile
$ make
$ ./sheetshelf.exe