Computational Research Consulting with RISE

RISE — Research Innovations with Scientists and Engineers — is a team of ICDS computational scientists and software engineers who can help you bring the power of high-performance computing to your research projects.

How RISE Can Help Your Research

Our RISE consultants have extensive supercomputing experience and a deep understanding of academic research, so whether you’re just getting started or you need project-specific consulting, we can help. Contact the RISE team to learn how we can help you:

  • Get started with computational research
  • Identify the best software or hardware for your goals
  • Build, code, and maintain your workflows
  • Optimize code to save time and money
  • Set up collaborative environments to share data and resources
  • Educate your team to sustain processes, workflows, and more

Note: Just have a quick question or technical problem? ICDS offers free i-ASK help desk support as well as an online User Guide. Custom help from a RISE team member is a paid service best suited for tackling larger scale or longer term challenges.

Get Started

Request an Initial RISE consultation
Meet the RISE consultants