ICDS Affiliates and Associates Program

Affiliates & Associates Eligibility, Benefits, and Expectations

Goals and Overview

The ICDS Associates & Affiliates program seeks to advance the ICDS mission by bringing scientists together across disciplines to collaborate in cyber-enabled research. The program also aims to grow the ICDS community by casting a wide and inclusive net to engage faculty and others at Penn State and beyond. We seek to increase the potential for ICDS to achieve funding success by demonstrating to funding agencies the magnitude of faculty engagement and productivity. And finally, we seek to encourage participation by the research community in ICDS governance; participation in ICDS activities by Associates & Affiliates will also help ICDS to set priorities as to how best to invest limited resources such as ICDS Seed Grant funding.

Program Levels and Benefits

The Associates & Affiliates program has a tiered system of expectations and benefits (low involvement is associated with fewer benefits; high involvement affords access to more benefits). The pro-gram designations, expectations for engagement, and benefit levels are as follows:

  • ICDS Co-Hire: high (note: definition of co-hire expectations and benefits are detailed in a separate document)
  • ICDS Associate: medium
  • ICDS Affiliate: low
  • ICDS Student Affiliate: very low

ICDS Associate


At Penn State:

  • All Faculty (non-student) academic appointment employees, excluding postdoctoral positions.

Outside of Penn State, be either:

  • Research faculty from other universities
  • Industry researcher


  • Have an active research relationship with a Penn State researcher or be an active ICDS Roar user
  • Show a demonstrated engagement with ICDS


NOTE: The following individuals do not have to apply for ICDS Associate status but will have the same benefits and expectations: ICDS Co-Hires, and all active, eligible members of the ICDS Coordinating Committee and ICDS Faculty Council.

  1. Apply/Re-apply for ICDS Associate status using the form on the ICDS website.
  2. ICDS Director or her/his designee will review the application for eligibility and demonstrated engagement with ICDS, and approve, reject, request additional information.
  3. If approved, the applicant will be appointed an ICDS Associate status for three years with the ability to renew in perpetuity.
  4. ICDS Associate status will be reviewed regularly and may be revoked for failure to meet the requirements of the ICDS Associate status.


In addition to the Benefits of an ICDS Affiliate, ICDS Associates will be eligible for:

  • Special “ICDS Associates only” investment programs (e.g., ICDS Centers program).
  • Higher limits on ICDS seed grant programs (e.g., $35K seed limit instead of typical $25K limit).
    • NOTE: Faculty must be an ICDS Associate before a seed grant announcement AND must be the PI to be eligible for this benefit.
  • Special ICDS Roar computing options (e.g., access to an ICDS-provided allocation on a high memory or GPU node).
  • Access to special ICDS Roar equipment/technology offered by industry partners.
  • “Early adopter” status of new ICDS Roar computing capacity/capabilities.
  • Priority for industry research opportunities.
  • Special “ICDS Associate-only” committees and events.
  • ICDS research feature stories.


  • ICDS Associates must update their research information with ICDS.
  • ICDS Associates will share landmarks and accomplishments such as grants awarded, publications, and conference presentations.
  • ICDS Associates will participate in, and potentially lead, ICDS assignments and events, including, but not limited to:
    • Up to 2 seed grant reviews annually
    • Up to 1 co-hire interview, as appropriate
    • At least one ICDS event or community function
  • ICDS Associates will engage in the ICDS Symposium in one of the following areas: active partici-pation on the planning committee; attendance; and/or, submission of a research poster.
  • ICDS Associates will engage in ICDS and related committees (e.g., ICDS Coordinating Committee).
  • As appropriate, ICDS Associates will list their ICDS affiliation and acknowledge use of ICDS resources in publications, presentations, or other scholarly work.

ICDS Affiliate


At Penn State:

  • All Faculty (non-student) academic appointment employees
  • IT Professionals active in research or research support

Outside of Penn State, either:

  • Research faculty from other universities
  • Industry researcher


  • Have an active research relationship with a Penn State researcher or be an active ICDS Roar user
  • Show a demonstrated research alignment with the interdisciplinary mission of ICDS


  1. Apply/Re-apply for ICDS Affiliate status using the form on the ICDS website.
  2. ICDS Director or her/his designee will review the application for eligibility and alignment of the researcher with the interdisciplinary mission of ICDS, and approve, reject, request additional information.
  3. If approved, the applicant will be appointed an ICDS Affiliate status.
  4. ICDS Affiliate status will be reviewed regularly and may be revoked for failure to meet the requirements of the ICDS Affiliate status.


ICDS Affiliates will be eligible to:

  • Be a PI on an ICDS seed grant programs.
    • NOTE: Faculty can apply to become an ICDS Affiliate during a seed grant call period, but must be an ICDS Affiliate before the seed grant is awarded.
    • NOTE: ICDS Affiliates must also meet the ICDS seed grant criteria as specified in the seed grant call.
  • Purchase a Roar or RISE Service Level Agreement.
  • List ICDS Affiliate status on CV.
  • Receive information about ICDS news, initiatives, events, and funding opportunities.
  • Establish connection to ICDS programs, events, and other researchers.
  • Engagement with ICDS industry partners.


  • ICDS Affiliates must update their research information with ICDS.
  • ICDS Affiliates may choose to:
    • Share their research and conference news/accomplishments
    • Participate in ICDS assignments (such as seed grant review/co-hire recruiting)
    • Participate in ICDS events and other community functions
    • Engage in ICDS committees and/or events, such as the ICDS Symposium.
  • As appropriate, ICDS Affiliates should list their ICDS affiliation and acknowledge use of ICDS resources in publications, presentations, or other scholarly work.

Student Affiliate


All enrolled Penn State graduate students and undergraduate students who show engagement or interest in interdisciplinary research.


  1. Apply/Re-apply for ICDS Student Affiliate status using the form on the ICDS website.
  2. ICDS Director or her/his designee will review the application for eligibility and alignment of the student with the interdisciplinary mission of ICDS, and ap-prove, reject, request additional information.
  3. If approved, the applicant will be appointed an ICDS Student Affiliate status.
  4. ICDS Affiliate status will be reviewed regularly and may be revoked for failure to meet the requirements of the ICDS Affiliate status (e.g. graduation)


ICDS Student Affiliates will be eligible to:

  • List ICDS Affiliate status on student’s CV.
  • Receive information about ICDS news, initiatives, events, and funding opportunities.
  • Establish connections to ICDS programs, events, and other researchers.
  • Request ICDS Affiliation recognition when graduating.


  • ICDS Student Affiliates must keep their information up-to-date with ICDS annually.
  • ICDS Student Affiliates must become members of the Penn State ICDS student group.
  • ICDS Student Affiliates may voluntarily share of research and conferences news/accomplishments.
  • ICDS Student Affiliates may voluntarily participate in ICDS events and other ICDS community functions.