COVID-19 Staff Resources

Vaccine Mandate information:

Employees should upload their vaccine information through Salesforce Health Cloud as soon as possible, but prior to the 12/8/2021 federal mandate deadline.

Medical Exemption form: Article with information here, form here

Religious Exemption form: Article with information here, form here

Employees NOT in compliance or with an accepted exception by 12/8 – they will NOT Be able to work. The HR policy that details this is forthcoming but will be similar to those not complying to the masking mandate.

In cases of repeated noncompliant behavior, managers should discuss continued utilization of HR 78  Staff Employee Failure to Meet Acceptable Standards of Performance with their respective HR Strategic Partner, which could lead to termination of the employee.

What happens to employees who do not comply with the vaccine requirement?

The University is requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for faculty and staff at seven campuses to comply with a federal requirement. The vaccine requirement applies to all employees affiliated with these campuses, including full-time and part-time faculty, staff and technical service workers, even if they are working remotely. This requirement also applies to graduate and undergraduate students supported on wage payroll, as well as all students supported on graduate assistantships at these campuses.

Unless they have an approved medical/disability- or religious-related accommodation, employees are expected to comply with the requirement. As with all University policies, there are disciplinary processes in place for failure to comply, with consequences up to and including termination from employment.

Does previous COVID-19 infection count as immunity and replace vaccination?

No, the executive order does not permit an exception for those who have previously had COVID-19.

Other PSU COVID information

Penn State Coronavirus Information
PSU COVID Dashboard View PSU’s numbers – updated every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Penn State COVID Vaccine Website – Website where PSU is compiling vaccine information as it’s available. **PSU has not been and likely will not be designated as a vaccination site**

Centre County COVID Vaccine Information

CDC Vaccine Information | CDC Vaccine FAQ | PA Vaccine Phase Information | Vaccinate PA

Vaccination signups for ages 5 – 11: | to top

Other Helpful COVID-19 Links

Stay up-to-date with Penn State’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic using these links. If you’d like to submit an anonymous question or comment to ICDS leadership, use the forms below.