For a printable agenda click here.
Wednesday October 18th – Afternoon Session
12:00 pm | Lunch | *Lunch Buffett will be available* |
12:30 pm | Welcome and Opening Remarks | Dr. Jenni Evans |
12:45 pm | From Quantum Picturalism to Interpretable Quantum AI | Dr. Bob Coecke, Quantinuum |
1:45 pm | The Past, Present and Future of Quantum Computing | Coordinated by Dr. Mahmut Kandemir Moderated by: Dr. Sarah Shandera |
2:45 pm | Break | *light refreshments will be available* |
3:00 pm | Penn State's AI Hub | Dr. David Hunter |
4:00 pm | Afternoon Session Concludes |
Wednesday October 18th – Evening Session
5:30 pm | Evening Reception Begins | Light Hors d'oeuvres will be served, and a cash bar will be available |
6:00 pm | Poster Session | |
8:00 pm | Events Conclude |
Thursday October 19th
9:00 am | Welcome and Opening Remarks | Dr. Andrew Read, Dr. Jenni Evans |
9:30 am | Making Health AI Useful and Usable | Dr. Samantha Kleinberg, Associate Professor, Charles V. Schaefer, Jr. School of Engineering and Science, Department of Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology |
10:30 am | Break | *Light refreshments will be available* |
10:45 am | Navigating the Promises and Pitfalls of Generative AI | Coordinated by Dr. Vasant Honavar |
11:45 am | Lunch | *Lunch Buffett will be available* |
1:15 pm | Remarks | Provost Justin Schwartz |
1:30 pm | Knowledge-Guided Machine Learning: A New Framework for Accelerating Scientific Discovery and Addressing Global Environmental Challenges | Dr. Vipin Kumar, Regents Professor and William Norris Endowed Chair, Department of Computer Science and Engineering Director, CSE Data Science Initiative, University of Minnesota |
2:30 pm | Break | *Light refreshments will be available* |
2:35 pm | Lightning Talks from Posters | |
2:45 pm | Immersive Technologies as a Catalysis for Advancing Research and Industry | Coordinated by Dr. Jessica Menold |
3:45 pm | Discovery to Impact: Storytelling Session | Coordinated by Dr. Patrick Dudas |
4:45 pm | Closing Remarks | |
5:00 pm | Event Concludes |
ICDS Fall 2023 Symposium Sponsors

