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Getting an account – Penn State Faculty, Staff, and Students

Each non-faculty member signing up for an account must have a sponsor. This is typically the adviser or course instructor. The request requires the Penn State username and not an alias. The Penn State directory can be used to figure out the username if only another email alias is known.

Users with a Penn State ID can sign up for an account using:

Faculty member accounts require no sponsorship. Students and staff require a faculty sponsor, which must be listed by their original Penn State ID, rather than by an alias. The sponsor will get an email stating they were listed as a sponsor. The faculty member can respond to the iAsk center ( with either explicit approval or a denial. If no denial is given, the student or staff member will be granted implicit approval after two business days. Faculty members can send an email with multiple users if they will be sponsoring multiple accounts, such as for a class project. After an account has been approved, it can take up to twenty-four hours before the system updates and the user is able to login.