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Submitting a Simple HPRC Job
The following is a submission script for a Matlab job that will run for 5 minutes on one processor. Note that an allocation is required to submit jobs to HPRC. Users familiar with submitting jobs to ACI-b will note only minor differences in this script.
#!/bin/bash #PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=1 #PBS -l walltime=5:00 #PBS -q hprc #PBS -A ics-hprc # Get started echo "Job started on ‘hostname‘ at ‘date‘" # Load in matlab module purge module load matlab # Go to the correct place cd $PBS_O_WORKDIR # Run the job itself - a matlab script called runThis.m matlab-bin -nodisplay -nosplash < runThis.m > log.matlabRun # Finish up echo "Job Ended at ‘date‘"