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Interactive Compute Sessions on HPRC

Interactive jobs may be submitted to HPRC using the -I (for interactive) flag. Interactive jobs require resource requests and an allocation. An interactive job can be submitted using a command similar to:

qsub -I -A ics-hprc -q hprc -l nodes=1:ppn=20 -l mem=32gb -l walltime=1:23:30:00

The job will be given a job ID, and your session will wait until this job has the resources to start. You will then be placed on the compute node and given a usable terminal session within your current session. For example, a user submitting an interactive job may see:

[abc123@aci-lgn-008 abc123]$ qsub -I -A ics-hprc -q hprc -l nodes=1:ppn=20 -l mem=32gb -l walltime=1:23:30:00

qsub: waiting for job to start

qsub: job ready

[abc123@comp-vc-1645 abc123]$


To enable X11 forwarding to the interactive job, include the -x flag (output will be identical to above):

qsub -I -x -A ics-hprc -q hprc -l nodes=1:ppn=20 -l mem=32gb -l walltime=1:23:30:00