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How to Transfer Very Large Datasets In and Out of Roar

test Globus is one of the recommended methods of transferring very large data. Most HPC centers have endpoints set up allowing for optimized transfer between large centers. Users can also install personal endpoints on their own machines using Globus Connect. Its web interface allows users to transfer files from a desktop or mobile device.

Users must sign up for a globus account as this is a separate service from Roar. An endpoint is a location to/from which the files are to be transferred. There are 2 types of endpoints: server endpoints (like Roar) and personal endpoints (user’s laptop). To save or bookmark endpoints go to Manage Endpoints section on the globus webpage (you have to be logged in). Then click add Globus Connect Personal In Step 1 you have to define the name for your personal endpoint and click on Generate Setup Key. Copy the key to the clipboard. In Step 2 you have to download and install Globus Connect Personal app appropriate for your OS. To finish the installation you will be asked to paste the generated key which you copied to the clipboard. Each time you want to transfer file you will have to have the Globus Connect Personal running on your local computer. If you do not have a Globus account, create one here. Set up a free Globus Online account using your PSU ID. If you wish to use Globus to transfer data to/from your local computer, install the Globus Connect Personal tool on your computer. More information on the Instructions for Installing Globus Connect Personal tool for linux can be found here. Instructions for mac and windows are also available.

On the Globus Start Transfer page, choose one of three Roar end points (for example PennState_ICS-ACI_DTN_EndPnt_01) as the end point on one side. This will pull up an authentication window. Use your Penn State ID for the user name, and your Penn State ID password for the pass phrase. This will set up an authenticated session.

Select and authenticate with the other endpoint for your transfer, and initiate your transfer. You may need to click on refresh list if you can’t see the transferred files despite the transfer has completed.

There are other specialized data-transfer software available for specific needs, such as Aspera. Contact the iAsk center if you have any questions regarding using one of these specialized tools on ACI.

File Permissions

File permissions can be seen using the -l flag for ls:

ls -l

The letters at the beginning indicate the file or folder permissions while the third and fourth columns show the owner and group associated with the file. The letters used are typically rwx, for read, write and execute. These are grouped in sets of three, the first set for the owner, the second for the group and the third for the entire world. Users may change permissions using the chmod command. An excellent overview of how to change permissions using chmod can be found here.

Users may also want to change the group of their files using the chgrp command.