Managing Your Paid Allocation on Roar Collab
If you have a paid allocation on Roar Collab, these procedures can help you monitor your account balance and adjust access and admin privileges.
Check your compute balance
Use the “mybalance” command. For example:
$ mybalance Project Limit Used Balance Resource Limits -------------------- ----------- --------- -------- --------------- dml129-engagement 67200.0 11530.7 55669.3 cpu=40,gres/gpu=0,mem=320G dml129-engagement_gpu 80640.0 0.0 80640.0 cpu=48,gres/gpu=2,mem=384G gctest 81.3 cpu=48,gres/gpu=2,mem=384G open 387156.4 sctest 9.2 cpu=24,mem=192G
Check your storage balance
Use “check_quotas.”
Check the accounts associated with a user
Use the “sacctmgr” command. For example:
sacctmgr -s show account format=Account%20,grptres%30,GrpCPUMins,qos%30 where account=<account name> where user=''
Account GrpTRES GrpCPUMins QOS Descr -------------------- ------------------------------ ----------- ------------------------------ -------------------- dml129-engagement cpu=40,gres/gpu=0,mem=320G 4032000 burst2x,burst3x,burst4x,normal [ntype=sc]
Add or remove coordinators
Coordinators are users with administrative abilities over user access. The coordinator can add or remove users from a paid allocation.
By default, the coordinator of an allocation is the faculty sponsor. Existing coordinators can add or remove other coordinators.
IMPORTANT: Because coordinators can manage both user and coordinator access to the allocation, please exercise restraint when granting coordinator permissions.
To add a user as a coordinator, use the command `sacctmgr`:
$ sacctmgr add coordinator account=<sla_id> name=<user_id>
To remove an existing coordinator:
$ sacctmgr remove coordinator account=<sla_id> name=<user_id>
Add or remove users to an allocation
Active coordinators can add and remove user access to paid allocations using the sacctmgr command as well. To add a user to an SLA, the command would be:
$ sacctmgr add user account=<sla_id> name=<user_id>
To remove a user’s access to an allocation, the coordinator would use the command:
$ sacctmgr remove user account=<sla_id> name=<user_id>